Please note that dates, times, venues are subject to change. Please continue to check back for most up to date schedule.
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Melody Biringer

WiT Regatta & The Crave Company
Founder and Producer
As a connection engineer, Melody is a master of designing alliances. She believes that relationships are most important in our lives and that unlikely mashups create new perspectives and opportunities. She has built an international ecosystem of sisterhood. The founder and producer of the WiT Regatta: a week-long conference in Seattle, Vancouver and Amsterdam, she brings people together to advance women in STEM and Tech. Melody is a nav system for heart and soul - a modern day business Sherpa. She guides not by asking us to replicate her journey- but by inviting us to  own our own style, and to create what we crave.
You can follow Melody on Instagram @MelodyBiringer.